The Hanover Township Clerk's Office provides fast, courteous service to Township residents, Board members, other departments and citizens through the most modern and cost effective methods available; and maintains the township records in a systematic, orderly, logically organized. and accessible manner.


The Township Clerk is an elected Township official which the name itself sets forth, "Clerk.” The Township Clerk is the clerk for the Township Board, a non-voting Board member, except in the case of a tie vote to fill a vacancy on the Township Board. The Township Clerk is keeper of all Township records, except for active General Assistance cases. The Clerk is required to keep accurate records of all Township Board meetings and maintains records of the Board's Executive (closed) Sessions.

The position of Clerk is especially important as it pertains to the maintenance of records. The integrity and accuracy of the Clerk is important in any court action involving the Township's official records. The Clerk's office is a link between each governmental agency and the citizenry.    

The Clerk must witness bid openings for the Township.